Monday, July 28, 2008

PAIN is excatly 1 week since i had a damn high fever that i miss my match..last tuesday(220708) i went to the jurong polyclinic for checking up the swollen thingy on my leg and the doctor ask me to went to NUH for an operation..i had not eaten at that time..the last thing i ate was @4pm on monday(210708)i was about to cry when i heard that i was about to go under the surgeon knife but the doctors give me words of encouragment and i was 1 stage away from getting without hesitation,my parents and i went to NUH..i was very hungry at that time and thirsty too so the doctors told me to fast before the operation..i was admitted to the ward..i was inserted with drips on the veins of my right hurts cause try to imagine how a yakult straw looks like and it was injected in your hand....still hungry and thirsty...the most irriatating thing ever was the operation keeps,i had my operation at 10pm.They give me an oxygen mask and told me to breathe in and for the next 3 sec i was woke u by the nurse..and they told the operation was done..feels like 3 sec but it is actually did not eat till 8am on wednesday(230708)..overall i did not eat for 39hrs!!and i lost 7kg!!!my body fluids decrease rapidly..and since i am so darn hungry,i finish my breakfast in less than 5 minutes..and i make a new friend too!!but too bad i was discharge on that day cause,my body recovers very fast according to the doctors..had dressing every 2 hurts..dressing is actually cleaning up of wound..they did not stitch my leg up cause of infection..arrr!!dressing hurts!!they actually took like some sort of cotton wool and clean up the hole in my leg and i can see it directly!!bloods bloods bloods all around..back to school on 070808..arr!!!no rugby no school no fun!!!

Sunday, July 20, 2008

kenduri yesterday

Yesterday we had a family gathering at my place,it was so full outside at the hall that i stay in the room with my small bro and some was the most embarassing moments because i sign in to my msn acc yesterday and guess what?when i went outside for a while to take some drinks,one of my cousin open a chat log with wyza and started to say i love!!!i was so panick at that time and said sorry to her..luckily she beleive that its not me who said that..paisehh seyhh..arrrrr!!!!!