Saturday, February 16, 2008


hey!this is my first post and i have lots of things to share just now in the afternoon!!!had a new student just came in...miss wang our maths teacher did not come to u know i hate maths,i felt as i am in heaven when the relief teacher enters the class....gosh!!!today recess time sucks to the core as we must only eat biscuits as today is total defence day!!my tummy went hungry all the way..right after school i and my friend kishen went to Gek Poh to buy some stuff for the trip to discovery centre..only 3 class was selected which was 2p1,2s3 and my class which is 2v6...i and kishen brought some stuff such as sweets,chocolates and some chips....when i reached the discovery centre we all had some briefings and lots of stuff....we enters the stimulation theater and gosh!!!its fun...then we had a race to complete all our given task and my group gets second place...after we reached to our school i realised that azman whom is the new student is quiet easy going...he gets friends easily!!!lol....and just to summaries what had happen yesterday..which is valentines sucks when you are single at valentines day you know that...but i was happy when my rugby team won against united world college!!!!!3 cheers for pioneer hipx2 hooray(x3)